Saturday, August 29, 2009

A Long Flight

            Before I land in London and begin this crazy journey I chose I want to just reflect slightly over summer and what was the build-up to this trip.

            To saw the least, it has been one of the most interesting summers of my life.  I made the decision to stay in Denver for the summer for bad reasons but the end results were the best “consequences” (for lack of a better term).  I feel that this past summer has been the biggest self-learning experience for a while now besides the one that I am currently flying towards.

            To start, I feel I have always been pretty independent as a female and a person.  I lost that for a while but I am proud to say that I have rediscovered and enhanced that personality trait.  I don’t know where it went but I am so glad that it is back and I am determined to never let it leave again.  It is a trait I have learned to hold dearly now since I have had the feeling of or experience opposite of independence. 

            I will admit it was at times extremely difficult to live far away from my mother and sisters that even telephone calls could not satisfy my desire to just see them.  I am extremely grateful though for their patience with me and my sometimes-constant calls.  I do want to say though that I do not regret staying in Denver one ounce.  I met amazing new people and improved pre-existing relationships.  I want to emphasize here my extreme gratitude to those people from Iggy summer residents to my office and so many others.  I do not think I have told you all well enough or sufficiently how amazing you all were to me.  You all truly became my family and were present and supportive when I really needed others.  There were so many little gestures that meant the world to me and made my summer the best summer of my adult life regardless of how summer started out.  There is no better way I know how to say it than thank you!

            Looking back, I was not sure how summer was going to turn out.  Before it started I had this preconceived notion of what and how summer was going to be.  I laugh now because that notion was not exciting and silly to think that I wanted.  Instead life, as it likes to, took me on a crazy detour that I am so happy with.  I really limited myself in the first notion but this life’s detour has really shaken me out of my comfort zone and I love.  I got to complacent with life and it was time to change.  I mean I feel great in mind body and soul.  I just feel very happy and accomplished.  I never imagined that I would climb a 14er but I did and I loved.  What I am trying to say is that I feel ready for this new adventure and I am not sure I would have been ready if summer had gone the way I had thought and planned it would have gone.  Now I am not going to lie, I am so nervous because I was sitting in the gate area and I am sitting in this plane thinking, “what the hell and I doing?” and “I have to be crazy to be going to St. Petersburg for such an amount of time!”  My new life’s motto though is to look at it in a positive light because that is what got me through summer.  So yes I am crazy but that craziness is going to lead to amazing life experiences and memories that will change me more, because the summer of drastic change, and growth is not over it is just rolling over to fall semester as well.

            So once again, thank you so much to everyone who was there for me this past summer, you have no idea how much you helped me.  I am so excited to see you in the spring!

            Well, that is all I have tonight as I fly over the ocean.  Next, I’ll be in LONDON and I am so ready for it, nerves are not going to override my excitement!!!


With much Love,


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