Saturday, August 29, 2009

Overview and Summary of my quick but AMAZING few days in London

I’m back, well it doesn’t really seem like that for you guys since I have no internet in London thus I have to post all of these in one setting.  But I have been in London for over 24 hours now and I am leaving tomorrow morning bright and early at 5:45 in the morning for the airport. 

            To begin where I left off, the nerves have quieted down greatly and there are some amazing people on this trip, which really helps, right now and will help when we are all going through homesickness in about a month.  I am excited and ready to do this I think.  And I feel better because there are people on this trip that speak no Russian either so I am not as crazy as I thought. 

            Well, I really just want to try to describe the last few hours of my life and what London is like.  To give you a brief synopsis, we arrived then went exploring and wandered into Hyde Park, and then we had introductions, and went to explore the city more with Tim, a Londoner who was our guide.  We went to dinner then did this mini-pub tour.  I don’t know what the bar scene is like in the US, but I love the pubs and the atmosphere.  It was a Thursday night and the pubs were busy, which shouldn’t surprise me.  Then today, which I should specify because I am not sure what day it is back in the United States, but anyway on Friday we had a 3 hour bus tour or London then we had the afternoon free to wander the city.  First we tried “pasties”, which is like a calzone but stuffed like a potpie and with a bigger crust.  After lunch we went on a tour of Parliament then saw the Westminster Abbey, and then the British Museum.  Also, we did take the Tube around, which was fun and gave us this sense of freedom.

            Anyway, I don’t know if I can describe London and the atmosphere, it simply is amazing.  My mother was right I do love London, even though it is pricey.  And I am so proud I picked up on the money system quickly, not that it is so hard, but it made life easier.  The thing about London that amazed me the most was the immense amount of history, there is so much to learn about here and the most amazing thing is that mostly all the museums except private ones are FREE!  I loved that!  It just emphasizes and encourages learning.  In addition it creates so much for students and people to do.  It was just amazing.  In addition you see their history everywhere and it can’t be ignored plus many buildings are protected so that creates more unique features.  It also makes history more prominent and important in peoples’ lives.  I love the history aspect, which ties into the government.  The tour of Parliament was simply breathtaking.  I wasn’t allowed to take pictures but that building is so beautiful and blows away the awe I felt for many of the buildings in D.C. But don’t get me wrong I still think those buildings are gorgeous.  But the intense detail and tradition in Parliament is just so historic and shows the grandeur of London, which you see in the people as well.  The women dress so well and fashionable in London.  I have no idea where these women are going but I admire the work and courage they put into outfits.  Some things they wear I would never think of but they pull off their clothing well and confidently.  And the heels they wear and walk around the city are beautiful within themselves.  I want to do that so badly.  In fact, sometimes we and I felt underdressed just walking around the city and doing simple things like taking the Tube.  Now for the Tube I love the accessibility and freedom it gives you.  I don’t know how many people own cars but you really don’t need one when you have the Tube it gets you anywhere and walking is easy.  I can’t describe it, maybe because I need sleep but I simply love it, along with the atmosphere of the pubs.  It is just a large social gathering and is extremely easy to begin conversation with anyone.  Plus there are pubs on like every corner of the streets.  Just think of Starbucks, which they have, and think about how many stores there are or can be within blocks of that, and that is pretty much what is like. 

            So I know I just ranted about the amazing things about London and to be fair there are some negatives, but I loved my stay in London and just want to focus on the positives, a) because I just got back and the excitement is still recent and b) that is my new life philosophy to mainly focus on the good/positive.

            Ok, so I must go and try to get some sleep but next time you hear from me I will be in St. Petersburg, Russia and will probably have started school, which is sad but I think, well at least hope I am ready.


With much Love,


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