Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ok, here is the real reason I have not posted in awhile and why I am doing 2 at a time.  I have been dealing with homesickness, and Saturday was pretty bad.  I wrote a post but just held on to that post because I will admit I am slightly embarrassed by the post and that I got homesickness so early.  I also don’t like people knowing that I am having a difficult time so the idea of posting what I wrote at a semi-low moment was terrifying.  But I have accepted it and I have realized that it is important to share.  This blog is for my friends and family back home but it is also for me and when I look back I will need to remember the whole journey not just the highs.  So yes I am going to admit that last post was homesickness for sure.  I actually wrote it earlier in the week but the feeling lasted a few days.  As a result I have been devouring peanut butter and chocolate, which is not good.  Yes, the language seems overwhelming right now but today was a good day and I just need to take it one day at a time.  I also have talked a lot more with a girl from the group I didn’t know very well.  Actually she is from Grand Junction.  But she and I are going through similar feelings so I know I am not alone, which makes me feel better.  It also helps that she spoke no Russian before she came here so we are practically in the same boat. 

            My main issue is that I feel so reliant on others and that just doesn’t bode well with my personality and how I was raised.  I mean, look at my decisions, I moved to Denver and adjusted pretty well I think.  I am very independent in Denver just like I am in Chicago.  Here, that is not the case yet, mainly because the language limits me.  But I am pushing through and have to keep reminding myself that with time I will adjust and figure out methods to survive. 

            Other than homesickness, I have been spending a lot of time getting to know people in the group and staying occupied that way.  Also I went shopping with my roommate, who I really liked and which means that I lucked out once again in regards to a roommate.  Oh and my suite mate is good as well.  But my roommate and I are similar.  She is from Maryland.  But we found this amazing mall, granted it is far away, but it basically has a Super Wal-Mart in it.  So we know where we can go to get most things if we are lacking.  And I found hot chocolate, peanut butter, and fruit there.  That is something difficult.  They don’t eat much fruit and it is kinda expensive.   But I am willing to pay.  Oh and milk goes bad in like 2 days here.  I have never had to worry about buying bad food but they leave food on the shelves past the expiration date.  For instance, the milk that I bought yesterday at 5 p.m. was expired on August 30th.  It was still good but that means I have to finish it by tomorrow night. 

            But then we dressed up and went out with the group on a boat ride and a small group of us went out afterwards.  Saturday, I did something similar.  I went to that Wal-Mart again but here it is just in a store called the Mega mall.  I went with different people so that was nice.  I really like mostly everyone in the group.  But I stocked up on chocolate and then we went to this café that sold hot chocolate that was literally just a melted chocolate bar.  It was good but more like a special occasion thing.  And I brought new gym shoes so that means I can work out.  Also, we found a Pizza Hut, so when we are really homesick or want some American food we have decided to go there.  Lastly, on Sunday, we went to the Peterhof Palace but it was raining so not so enjoyable and I don’t want to get sick.  I am so glad I bought an umbrella on Saturday because it does rain here a great deal.  Afterwards I binged on chocolate attempted to make Mac and cheese but the cheese did not melt that well, and then did some homework.  I also did a little Pilates with another girl and my roommate so I am glad I will keep it up somewhat.  I have to find more moves for it though because I forgot some. 

            Sorry the end turned into a diary thing.  It is just almost midnight here so I need to sleep since I will be walking stairs at 7:30 in the morning.  I will write a better entry when I have more time and am not falling asleep.  Goodnight everyone!  Or really good morning. 


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